Frequently asked questions

  • How long does the carpet take to dry?

    Usually, it may take 4-8 hours or up to 24 hours for carpets to dry. Overly wet carpets are the result of an untrained technician and poor equipment. Our cleaning systems will not only extract, but also rejuvenate, and restore your carpet to a fresh, dry, soft finish.

  • What's the estimated time required to complete the cleaning of my carpet?

    For residential customers typically, it will require 1-2 hours on average. However, this duration may significantly differ based on factors like customers readiness upon arrival, furniture that needs to be relocated, the level of dirtiness present on the carpet, and any spot-cleaning procedures that might be required.

  • What method do you use for carpet cleaning?

    The method we use for carpet cleaning is Steam Cleaning. It is considered one of the best methods because it effectively removes dirt, stains, and allergens by using hot water extraction to lift away debris from deep within the carpet fibers. The heat and moisture help sanitize the carpet, killing bacteria and germs. Additionally, steam cleaning generally requires fewer chemical cleaners, making it a more environmentally friendly option.

  • Do you move furniture when cleaning carpets?

    Yes, our professionally trained technicians will gladly move light furniture for free. When cleaning a carpet, it's generally recommended to move furniture if possible. This allows for a more thorough cleaning process by reaching areas that are normally hidden beneath the furniture. However, we can't move everything, like entertainment systems, bookcases, and grand pianos.

  • Why are there bubbles or ripples in my carpet after it was cleaned?

    Bubbles or ripples in your carpet after cleaning are typically caused by improper installation, excessive moisture, or inadequate drying. We recommend you contact us again within 30 days so we can have a professional assess the situation to determine the exact cause and provide appropriate solutions.

  • Can you ensure the complete removal of any spots or stains from the carpet

    We offer a satisfaction guarantee for our carpet cleaning services, but stain removal success depends on various factors, including stain type and age.

  • Is it true that cleaning my carpet will cause it to soil more quickly?

    It's a common misconception that cleaning carpets can lead to faster re-soiling. However, when carpets are professionally cleaned using appropriate methods, solutions, and equipment, they actually tend to stay cleaner for longer periods. Our company follows industry best practices to ensure that your carpets are thoroughly cleaned and maintain their freshness without promoting faster re-soiling.

  • What do you consider to be an area?

    At our carpet cleaning company, we define an "area" as a specific section or space up to 100 sq ft within your premises that requires cleaning. This can include individual rooms, hallways, staircases, or any distinct area that requires our professional cleaning services. We tailor our services based on the size and layout of these areas to ensure thorough and effective cleaning, leaving your carpets refreshed and revitalized. If you're uncertain about what constitutes an area in your space, our team can assist you in determining the appropriate divisions for cleaning during our consultation process.

  • Can carpet cleaning eliminate fleas from my carpet?

    We understand your concern about fleas in your carpet. Carpet cleaning can help in reducing the presence of fleas, but it may not completely eliminate them. Our carpet cleaning service can be a valuable part of your flea control strategy by eliminating flea larvae and eggs from your carpet. However, for complete flea eradication, it's essential to address the issue on multiple fronts, including treating your pets and consulting with pest control experts for a tailored plan.

  • Is your work guaranteed?

    Our guarantee is very simple and provides the protection you deserve. There is nothing worse than paying for a service and not meeting your expectations. Our 30-Day Clean Carpet Guarantee ensures that we will meet or exceed your expectations as promised. Please contact us within 30 days of your service date if you need us to address any concerns or if you have any questions.

  • Can upholstery be cleaned?

    Yes, upholstery can be professionally cleaned to remove dirt, stains, and odors, restoring its appearance and freshness. Contact us for expert upholstery cleaning services.

  • How frequently should carpet cleaning be performed?

    For optimal maintenance, we recommend professional carpet cleaning every 6 months

  • What's the reason for the differences in pricing among various cleaning services?

    We understand that you might be curious about the variations in pricing among different carpet cleaning companies. However, when you're examining the costs of carpet cleaning,

    it's important to inquire extensively and bear certain considerations in your thoughts. Our pricing covers spot treatment, light furniture moving, and a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. You won't encounter any concealed expenses or extra fees, meaning there will be no hidden fees and upsells. Also, our technicians are professionally trained making sure that we will deliver you the best service you deserve.

  • Do you steam-clean carpets?

    Yes. We frequently get inquiries regarding the steam cleaning of carpets. At Magic Carpet, we treat carpet cleaning much like washing your clothes. Just as you wouldn't wear dirty clothes, you wouldn't want to walk on a dirty carpet. Our goal is to restore your carpets to their best possible condition, enhance the indoor air quality of your space, and provide an overall healthier and cleaner environment for you and your family.

Can’t find what you are looking for? Call us at 808-426-7500.

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